Liturgical Bible Study Guide: 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle B

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Gospel This account takes place early in Jesus’ public ministry in Galilee. He is now in Nazareth, his home town. What we hear today is the story of Jesus’ rejection by His own people. Parallel gospel accounts are Matthew 13:53-58; John 4:44; 6:42; 7:13, 15. First Reading The Book of Ezekiel is one of four […]

Liturgical Bible Study Guide: 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle A

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1st Reading – Zechariah 9:9-10 The Book of Zechariah, the name means “Yahweh remembers,” comes chronologically after that of Haggai. The prophet Zechariah belonged to a priestly family which had returned from exile in Babylon. Like Haggai, he was called by God in 520 B.C., the second year of the reign of Darius. He probably lived until […]

Liturgical Bible Study Guide: 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle C

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1st Reading – Isaiah 66:10-14c The prophets of Israel were not merely men who predicted future events. They were the religious leaders and teachers of the Israelites. They themselves regarded their mission in this light. They wished, above all, to be “men of God,” and to bring God to their people and their people to […]