ACTS OF APOSTLES – One Bread, One Body, Jun 7, 2014

Pentecost Novena – Day 9 Acts 28:16-20, 30-31 | Psalm 11:4-5, 7 | John 21:20-25 “Your business is to follow Me.” —John 21:22 Today, on the last day of our novena to the Holy Spirit and the next to last day of the Easter season, we read the last words of the Acts of the Apostles and the Gospel of John . May today be the last time we refuse to act on God’s …

June 8th 2014 – Pentecost Sunday

Listen Here! A Mighty Wind Readings: Acts 2:1-11 Psalm 104:1,24,29-31,34 1 Corinthians 12:3-7,12-13 John 20:19-23 The giving of the Spirit to the new people of God crowns the mighty acts of the Father in salvation history. The Jewish feast of Pentecost called all devout Jews to Jerusalem to celebrate their birth as God’s chosen people, in the covenant Law given to Moses at Sinai (see Leviticus 23:15-21; Deuteronomy 16:9-11). In today’s First Reading the mysteries prefigured in that feast are fulfilled in the pouring out of the Spirit on Mary and the Apostles (see Acts 1:14)

June 1st, 2014 – 7th Sunday in Easter

Listen Here! Knowing God Readings: Acts 1:12-14 Psalm 27:1, 4, 7-8 1 Peter 4:13-16 John 17:1-11 Click Here for the Reflection for the Ascension Jesus has been taken up into heaven as we begin today’s First Reading. His disciples – including the Apostles and Mary – return to the upper room where He celebrated the Last Supper (see Luke 22:12). There, they devote themselves with one accord to prayer, awaiting the Spirit that He promised would come upon them (see Acts 1:8)

THE MISSING PIECE – One Bread, One Body, May 24, 2014

Acts 16:1-10 | Psalm 100:1-3, 5 | John 15:18-21 “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” —Acts 16:9 Today begins the “we” section of the Acts of the Apostles . When Paul and his companions were prevented from going to Asia and Bithynia, Luke, the author of Acts , uses the pronoun “they” (Acts 16:6, 7). Then ” they came down ..