Liturgical Bible Study Guide: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle B

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1st Reading – Wisdom 7:7-11 The Book of Wisdom, written in the 1st century B.C. is known to us only in the Greek. It is generally held certain that Greek was the original language. For this reason it is not contained in the Hebrew Bible; nor is it in the Protestant Bible, having been discarded by Martin […]

Liturgical Bible Study Guide: 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle B

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1st Reading – Genesis 2:18-24 Some modern scripture scholars speculate that the Pentateuch (the first 5 books of the Bible, The Law/Torah) is a collection of writings from different sources; primarily J (for Yahwehist, 9th century B.C.); E (for Elohist, 8th century B.C.); D (for Deuteronomist, 7th century B.C.); and P (for Priestly, post-exilic) and […]

Liturgical Bible Study Guide: 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle B

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1st Reading – Numbers 11:25-29 The book of Numbers is a narrative account running from the 2nd year after the Israelites left Egypt up to almost the end of Moses’ life: a total of about 39 years’ wandering in the wilderness. It takes its name in the Hebrew Bible from bammidbar (which means “in the wilderness”). The […]

Liturgical Bible Study Guide: 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle B

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1st Reading – Wisdom 2:12,17-20 The Book of Wisdom is unique in the Bible as being the product of a Greek frame of mind, for the author is believed to be a Hellenized Jew (a Greek who is a Jew) thoroughly familiar with Greek culture. Against the background of Egyptian worship of animals and mockery […]

Liturgical Bible Study Guide: 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle B

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1st Reading – Isaiah 50:4c-9a Again this week we hear our first reading from the book of the prophet Isaiah; this time from chapter 50 which is in what has been called by some scripture scholars Second or Deutero-Isaiah. The division of Isaiah into two (or three) separate groupings [chapters 1 through 39, and chapters […]