Catholic Mass Readings for Thursday, September 27th, 2012

First Reading Eccl 1:2-11 Vanity of vanities, says Qoheleth, vanity of vanities! All things are vanity! What profit has man from all the labor which he toils at under the sun? One generation passes and another comes, but the world forever stays.

Catholic Mass Readings for Tuesday, June 5th, 2012

First Reading 2 Pt 3:12-15a, 17-18 Beloved: Wait for and hasten the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved in flames and the elements melted by fire. But according to his promise we await new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. Therefore, beloved, since you await these things, be eager to be found without spot or blemish before him, at peace.