Liturgical Bible Study Guide: 5th Sunday of Lent Cycle B

5th Sunday of Lent

1st Reading – Jeremiah 31:31-34 For nearly 75 years after the death of Isaiah no great prophet arose in Judah. It seemed as though the work of the religious leaders of the eighth century B.C. had been in vain. During the long and wicked reign of King Manasseh (693-639 B.C.), son and successor of King Hezekiah, idolatrous […]

Liturgical Bible Study Guide: 4th Sunday of Lent Cycle B

4th Sunday of Lent

1st Reading – 2 Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23 The book of 2nd Chronicles covers the same time period as 1st and 2nd Kings. As is the case with Samuel and Kings, the two books of Chronicles were originally one book but appear as two in the Greek version of the Bible (the Septuagint) and this division is maintained […]

Liturgical Bible Study Guide: 3rd Sunday of Lent Cycle B

3rd Sunday of Lent

1st Reading – Exodus 20:1-17 Our first reading today is the giving of the ten commandments. The time is three months after the Israelites left on their exodus from Egypt. During this three months they have come to a place called Marah (the name means “bitter”) which had bitter water; the people grumbled against Moses, […]

Liturgical Bible Study Guide: 2nd Sunday of Lent Cycle B

2nd Sunday of Lent

1st Reading – Genesis 22:1b-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18 Today as we enter the 2nd Sunday of Lent, a time in which we concentrate on building our faith through penance and sacrifice (what have you offered up for Lent?), we hear of Abraham’s faith and the test to which God put that faith. This story is […]

Liturgical Bible Study Guide: 1st Sunday of Lent Cycle B

1st Sunday of Lent

1st Reading – Genesis 9:8-15 On this 1st Sunday in Lent, we look back to the covenant between God and Noah. In passing through the waters, Noah became aware of his relationship with God, and the rainbow became the sign of that covenant relationship. 2nd Reading – 1 Peter 3:18-22 This first letter of Peter was […]