The LBS emerged from the quest by the SVD Biblical Center through Fr. Arlo Yap to address the surfacing need for Catholics to be nourished by the word of God in spite of the many years of bible sharing. The bible sharing formats/methodologies have many positive impacts as follows:
• Developed appetite for the bible
• Deepened relationships in groups and communites
• Powerful insights on the Word
• Rich & depth of sharing
• Complemented formation programs – diocese, parishes, schools, etc.
Even with these fruits, Catholics clamoured from the SVD Biblical Center for more substantial tools and materials for scriptural understanding. Further probing points to the following concerns:
• People remember more of the life’s stories of individuals than the bible text/teachings;
• Reflection & sharing veer away from the text or were taken out of context;
• Sharing became monotonous & boring especially if people are in the group together for many years.
• No new sharings as sharings are recycled;
• No central message to bring home
Given these consideration, the LBS came to be.