Liturgical Bible Study Guide: 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle B

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1st Reading – Ezekiel 17:22-24 In the history of Judah there were three deportations to Babylon: in 605, eight years later in 597, and again eleven years later in 586. All three deportations were carried out by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. The first deportation took place while Jerusalem was under siege and included the young prophet Daniel. […]

Liturgical Bible Study Guide: Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Cycle B

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

Introduction It would seem that on this particular Sunday the Church would tell us all about the inner workings of the Blessed Trinity. Today would be the prime time for answering such questions as: How can one God be three Persons, and three Persons be one God? Why three Persons instead of three forces, or three ideas, […]

Liturgical Bible Study Guide: Pentecost Sunday Cycle B

Pentecost Sunday

Introduction Pentecost is an Israelite-Jewish festival. In Exodus 23:14-17 it is called simply the harvest festival, the feast of first-fruits of the grain harvest. In Exodus 34:22 it is called the feast of weeks, the first-fruits of the grain harvest. In Leviticus 23:15-21 the feast is reckoned by counting seven weeks from the beginning of […]

Liturgical Bible Study Guide: Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord Cycle B

Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord

Introduction The revelation we celebrate on this day is that the direct experience of God revealed to men and women in Jesus of Nazareth continues to be experienced when the Body of Christ, the Church, gathers in witness, love and mission. Jesus brought power and hope to people. As He talked, healed, and loved them, they felt […]