March 9th 2014 – First Sunday of Lent

Listen Here! Tale of Two Adams Readings: Genesis 2:7-9; 3:1-7 Psalm 51:3-6; 12-14,17 Romans 5:12-19 Matthew 4:1-11 In today’s Liturgy, the destiny of the human race is told as the tale of two “types” of men – the first man, Adam, and the new Adam, Jesus (see 1 Corinthians 15:21-22; 45-59). Paul’s argument in the Epistle is built on a series of contrasts between “one” or “one person” and “the many” or “all.” By one person’s disobedience, sin and condemnation entered the world, and death came to reign over all. By the obedience of another one, grace abounded, all were justified, and life came to reign for all

March 2nd 2014 – Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Listen Here! Do Not Be Anxious Isaiah 49:14–15 Psalm 62:2–3, 6–9 1 Corinthians 4:1–5 Matthew 6:24–24 We are by nature prone to be anxious and troubled about many things. In Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus confronts us with our most common fears

February 23rd 2014 – Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Listen Here! Holy as God Leviticus 19:1–2, 17–18 Psalm 103:1–4, 8, 10, 12–13 1 Corinthians 3:16–23 Matthew 5:38–48 We are called to the holiness of God. That is the extraordinary claim made in both the First Reading and Gospel this Sunday

February 9th 2014 – Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Listen Here! Light Breaking Forth Isaiah 58:7-10 Psalm 112:4-9 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 Matthew 5:13-16 Jesus came among us as light to scatter the darkness of a fallen world. As his disciples, we too are called to be “the light of the world,” he tells us in the Gospel this Sunday (see John 1:4–4, 9; 8:12; 9:5)